15 February 2013

Maternal Healthy Planning Programs

Men role through family planning programs in Maternal Health


According to the WHO definition, Maternal mortality is the death of a woman that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth, or within 42 days after delivery with a cause related directly or indirectly to labor.
WHO estimates that 585,000 women die every day from complications of pregnancy, childbirth and unsafe abortion due to unwanted pregnancy. Almost all of these deaths could be prevented. WHO also reported that about 80% of maternal deaths are due to increased complications during pregnancy during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. The remaining 20 percent of maternal deaths indirectly caused by anemia, malaria, hepatitis, heart disease and diabetes.
In Indonesia, maternal mortality remains high in Indonesia ASEAN region despite decreased from 307/100 thousand live births (IDHS 2002-03) to 263/100 thousand live births (BPS 2005) when compared with the rate in neighboring countries near , Thailand 129/100 thousand, Malaysia 39/100 thousand and Singapore 6/100 thousand.
The high maternal mortality rate is not independent of the high number of unwanted pregnancies that reached 16.8 percent were associated with higher abortion. Abortion itself contribute to maternal mortality to 13 per cent. On the other hand there are still many pregnancies are not ideal (too much, too young, too old, and too closely spaced pregnancies), which is very dangerous for the mother's health or more in the know with '4 T '. Currently in Indonesia, pregnant women with high risk pregnancies in connection with the '4 'was of 22.4 percent with the details of pregnant too young (<18 years) by 4.1 per cent, women are too old (> 34 yrs) of 3, 8 percent, birth spacing is too close (<2 years) of 5.2 percent, and the number of children is too many (> 3 persons) by 9.4 percent.
Most of the maternal deaths could have been avoided if they received help health professionals. Unfortunately it was too late to obtain relief because they do not recognize the signs of life-threatening complications, slow decision to seek help, it is very far to get adequate treatment is often called late '3 '. Ignorance of the danger that is still experienced by most of the husbands. Not an exaggeration to Ranson and Yinger (2002) from the Population Reference Bureau (U.S.) in his book, Making Motherhood Safer, quoting Indonesian man whose wife died in childbirth, "No one told me, I did not know that my wife could die from childbirth. The man will do anything more if we know the risk of it ".
Of the various problems mentioned above it is clear that maternal mortality was diebabkan by many factors, not just because of the health factor alone. There are many other factors to be followers of social, cultural, economic, including gender and family planning. So very beralasanan when President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in his speech at the XIV Harganas in Ambon said:
                "To suluruh levels of government to succeed Revitalization Program for Family Planning. To the governor, regent, mayor and all government leaders to appear in front to the success of this program. To the Board of BKKBN, I Intruksikan order to improve its performance to provide services to the community planning program very well, ask for help and consult with religious leaders, community leaders, traditional leaders and informal leaders. Choose a methodology and appropriate ways, protect human rights, including reproductive rights, and the rights of women to be free from violence. Remember Family Planning is not just one more time, not just the sheer growth control programs, but also birth control programs and child care in a healthy and humane. We must reduce the number of maternal deaths, during labor and child mortality at birth or at the age of five. It is a noble humanitarian mission, a humanitarian mission essential and obligatory for us to run with the best. "
Thus the family planning program has a positive effect in accelerating the reduction of maternal mortality rate (MMR) and Infant mortality rate (IMR).
While the role of man in family planning and reproductive health programs related to maternal health is like a family planning acceptors, supportive wife to use contraceptives, menrencanakan number of children with her partner, helping to maintain and improve the health of pregnant women, planning a safe delivery by skilled health; avoid delays in seek immediate medical attention; help nursing mothers and babies after birth.
Things that can Make
Many things can be done in family planning maternal health include:
First, socialize Too '4 'to the community. This is the first step to do men in family planning, such as determining how many children you want and how many years birth spacing. Be aware also that a high risk of maternal death if too many kids, too old, and too young at the time of delivery.
Age less than 20 years old and older than 35 years, the number of children of more than four, and pregnancy spacing less than 2 years. A mother after delivery requires two or three tahjun to be fit and prepare for the next delivery. Without planning, unwanted pregnancy terminated by abortion in general, and the practice of unsafe abortion may improve maternal death.
Second, support the use of contraceptives for both men and for his wife. Husband should also accompany her to see a counselor or health worker KB, so that they can together determine methods of contraception are available and choose the one appropriate method, anticipate the side effects and how to overcome them.
The results of randomized studies found that contraceptive use increased significantly on the wife whose husband took part in contraceptive counseling compared with wives whose husbands are not involved in counseling. The use of family planning contributes to reducing maternal mortality of about 20 percent, if it can prevent unnecessary pregnancies or unwanted.
Third, socialize Standby husband to avoid late '3 '. Delays often contributing to maternal mortality in the event of complications kahamilan. Three delays at risk for maternal health, which is too late to take a decision, go late service, and delayed obtaining medical help. Her husband and other family members play an important role in getting the service as soon as possible. My husband is usually the key decision-makers when the wife's condition in need as soon as possible.
Most of the maternal deaths that occurred between three days after delivery, due to infection and bleeding. The results found maternal deaths could be prevented if the husband can identify potential complications after delivery and always be ready to seek help if it occurs.
Fourth, encourage each delivery conducted by health personnel. Husband can plan when and where delivery should be done so there is no delay in getting help labor. To that end, be prepared vehicles and materials needed for the labor and the newborn child, and provides cost.
Fifth, healthy socialization for pregnant women. Husbands and wives need to get proper antenatal care, this examination is an important step for the health and safety of his wife and unborn child. This is so that pregnant mothers avoid anemia and a deficiency of Vit A.
To reduce maternal mortality, which also required a national movement involving all parties, with the comprehensive programs and activities, relevant, scalable and balanced and ultimately the role of men / husbands in the program will be able to encourage the improvement of quality of family planning services, increasing gender equality , increased respect for human rights (Human Rights), and the positive effect of accelerating decline in the total fertility rate (TFR), the decline in the maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR). (PMS; from various sources)

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