Flow Karamiyah
Karamiyah believe that Divine kalam consists of sounds and letters, and
the word of the divine nature and blends tradition with the substance
of Allah, and they say that there is no problem to embrace the nature of
the tradition in which substances qadim.Allama
Hilli Karamiyah following comment on the opinion, "Mandatory al-Being
(Allah) does not accept the nature of the hadith (the new one) with
three arguments: first, the Hadith's and the new God's substance causes a
change in the nature reactive
in him where it really contradicts the substance Mandatory al-Being,
because each change of the nature of the object-matter and God is not
material and objects. Secondly,
if God Almighty is seen as a cause of the nature of this tradition, the
nature of the hadith must be preexisting, because why are preexisting,
while you say that the hadith is something new manifest (ie never gone
and now there), and if
the substance because it is not a matter Mandatory al-Being then
kemestiannya is that he possesses traditions and need to something else,
and it is also not feasible for Compulsory al-Being. Third,
if the hadith was included kamaliyah properties (attributes of
perfection) then it is impossible that property not included in the
ranks of the attributes of God, because God surely has all attributes of
perfection and if the tradition of the nature of the defects and
deficiencies impossible God has these properties.
There is a link between the meaning of the language and terminology Murjiah that these groups may be called by the Murjiah. The name is derived from the word irja. Because they charity menagguhkan after the intention and purpose. As
may also be called from the second meaning that they believe it's
immoral not endanger the faith as well as obedience is not beneficial to
the increase of faith. They give hope (irja) reward people who engage in immoral acts in the sight of Allah.Murjiah Group is divided into three types, as mentioned Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taimyiah:First type: Those who say faith is only in the liver. Among them are those who enter into it heart charity. They are the largest group Murjiah and among them are some who do not enter into the heart charity iman.seperti Jahm bin Safwan.Type two: People who say faith than mere words. This is the opinion Karamiyah class.The third type: People who say that faith justifies only in the hearts and sayings. This is the opinion of the jurists Murjiah.Shaykh al-Islam said, And so are Murjiah moderate their heresy is heresy jurist who was no infidelity to her. The scholars do not dispute in this case. If there are our comrades who put them into the realm of heresy disbelief then this is a mistake. They (Murjiah moderate) did not include ama-charitable acts within the scope of faith. Berartu abandonment obligations. The
Murjiah eksrtrim are people who deny the torments of hell and faith
that texts containing terrifying threats essentially nothing. Speech is dangerous and means abandonment obligations. Elsewhere he says of experts from among Murjiah Fiqh, then reneged and menvonis Salaf very heretical and blame their opinions. I do not know anyone from the Salaf menvonis them infidels. Even they agree this group is not dikafirkan. One of the arguments brought scholars have confirmed that Murjiah not infidels. Anyone
who quotes from Imam Ahmad or any other infidel menvonois them or
categorize them into heresy that is still disputed ahlul disbelief then
indeed he has concluded with very wrong.By
viewing the contents of the teachings and exhortations Sunan Bonang
horoscope written in the book Het Boek Van Bonang, at least there are a
number of classical Arabic books were thought to have become a reference
source of teaching Walisongo. Some of the book, include:1. Ihya 'Ulumuddin works Hujjatul Islam Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghozali2. Tamhid
(fi bayanit-Tawhid Wa Wa Hidayati fi Kulli Mustarasyid Rashid) works
Syakur bin Abu Shoaib al-Hanafi as Kasi al-Salimi (live at the end of
the century 5 H).3. Talkhis work Minhaj al-Imam Nawawi,4. Quth al-Qulub by Abu Talib al-Makky5. Minutes of Makkiyah fi al-Tariq al-Sada al-Sufiyyah works Afifuddin at-Tamimi,6. Al-Anthaki. Regarding
al-Anthaki, there are two possibilities, namely Abu Muhammad al-Anthaki
Faulah a poet of Banu al-Mu'iz age Fatimids Li Dinillah (341-365 AH)
and Zaman al-Aziz Billah (365-386 AH) or
David al-Anthaki author of Tazyinul Asywaq bi Tafshil Asywaq Al Usysyaq
or Nu'aim Ahmad ibn Abu Abdillah al-Isfahani author of the book
Hilyatul Auliya 'who holds Ahmad bin Asim Al-Anthaki.Besides
some of the above books author name, found also the name of the
characters such as Abu Jazid Tasyawwuf Al-Basthami, Muhyiddin Ibn
'Arabi, Sheikh Ibrahim al-Iraqi, Shaykh Abdul Qodir Gilani, Sheikh
Semangu Asarani (?), Ar-Rudaji Shaykh, Shaykh sabti (?), Pandita Sujadi Waquwatihi (?).It
can be concluded that the doctrine Walisongo, covering the science of
jurisprudence (Shari'a), the science of kalam - which includes science
and Ushuluddin monotheism, and also taught science tasyawwuf like
mysticism, and mystics tarikat.
2.Beberapa discourse Sunan BonangThe content of the teachings and exhortations contained in the book Sunan Bonang horoscope work can be summarized as follows:First
of all, Sunan Bonang Basmalah started writing with readings and praise,
and then show the intent and purpose of writing the contents of
horoscope, which is to convey the teachings of the science of mysticism.
Science covers science Ushuluddin mysticism, Tawheed, and Tasyawwuf-leaning congregation Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah.Usul
Suluk teachings stem from the interpretation of the two sentences creed
expressed in the introduction to the book: "La ilaha illallah Asyhadu
an Wahdahu La Syarikalahu, Wa anna Muhammadan Rasulullah Asyhadu". Then he outlines his teachings with a focus on mysticism by thinking usul al-Ghozali and Abu Syakur as-Salimi. Ushul
mysticism teachings are a blend of description and Tasyawwuf Ushuluddin
science or mystical monotheistic faith within the boundaries of the
material Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah Polok revolved around three issues plus
an assertion, namely:1. The study of God, which includes substance, nature and Af'al his2. The study of the relationship between man and God,3. The study of the problem Ru'yat (ability to see) Allah, and4. Tanbih,
in addition to the purpose of the book is expressed as a reminder to
always do pious, piety, and holding fast and keeping Sharia limits.In
the first part of the contents of Primbon, Sunan Bonang discussion
about God include the establishment of the various understandings and
teachings of monotheism and the deity is right where the contents of the
description he's basically just a summary and free translation of the
Ihya 'Ulumuddin and Tamhid book. Besides,
it also revealed how the misguided teachings and ideology of monotheism
and God, which according to him, could lead to a pagan adherents.Sunan
Bonang discussion of two themes above includes a description of
ma'rifat Essence of God, the nature of God and ma'rifat Ma'rifat Af'al
God revealed by the method of dialogue catechism, which form a question
and answer dialogue between teacher and student where the student asks a
then answered by the teacher with a description of the material above.In
part, also revealed 12 kinds of views on monotheism and divine
teachings were considered heretical and worthy dubbed "wong sasar" by
the standards of the four schools, namely:1. The view that: "i (ng) kang ana iku God, i (ng) kang ora ana iku Allah, Allah oraning den tegesake iku andade'aken ora. (There is a God who is not God, the meaning of absence is no mejadikan).2. This view of God which states: "yeah yeah namane kersane, iya iya namane dzate, yes Essence (e) yes kersane. Iku among paekan tan weruh ing ing panunggale ". (His name is also that of His will, His name is also that of His Essence, Essence of Him that His will ...).Both expressions above are considered heretical because it can mess up an understanding of the oneness of God.3. The
views Kawabatiniyah (psychotherapy) were attributed by Sunan Bonang as
"literary atunggal anging apatut tan" or cavalier in word but
inappropriate and not in accordance with reason as opposed to basic usul
mysticism contained in the book Ihya 'and Tamhid.4. An
odd view which states: "Kadi anggrupa'aken sifating Pengeran, kadi
akecap: sekatahing of being iku sifating God, kadi ngana'aken ing nora,
kadi ama'duamen ing God. This view is kufr.5. The
view which considers that in mortal 'occurs Ittihad (mix) between
servant and Lord (servant - God) as berpadunya river estuary with sea
water. This
according to him is a perverted and heretical penta'wilan contrary to
the word of Allah swt.: "Yal Bahraini Marajal Taqiyani bainahuma
Barzahun La yabgiyani".6. Karamiyah
understood, an understanding that equate God with the creature, founded
by Abdullah Muhammad ibn Karamiyah who insisted that God sits on His
throne in the Throne, where he menjisimkan Essence of God.7. Understanding
which states that "the nature of the Essence iku ing ana, ana ing
asthma was deweke", an understanding which generalize the properties,
Essence and asthma 'Allah.8. Understand
who argued that "the nature of nature, the Essence of the Essence",
which assumes that the existence of the One and the nature of the two
states, each of which stands alone.
Ibadi Muslim groups that are rooted in the Quran and hadith with the main focus being the humble servant of God. This
group scattered in different groups of Muslims both Sunni and Shia with
his jurisprudence. [Citation needed] This flow is the dominant flow in
Oman. The belief is that each of the Ibadi Muslim brothers and only God will judge mankind.The Ibadi concerned ukhuwah Islamiyya than hostile hostile or simply because different schools of flow. Suffice it expects beliefs are called servants of God are called to enter into His heaven.This group are followers of Abdullah Ibn Ibadh. It
is the group's most modert from around the Khawaarij. [15] They argued
that marriage and inheritance among them and the people - Muslims who
disagree with the They are legitimate. Country people - Muslims who disagree with them are country Tawheed, except Sultan army base, it is the land of heresy. They are willing to accept the testimony of people - those who disagree with them. They argue that human action is God made, but cultivated by man himself. They
do not want to call their priest with the title "Commander of mu'minin"
and did not call themselves the immigrants, they do not allow fighting
people - people who disagree denagn them, but after doing da'wah first.
known for ketidaksudian and unwillingness to compromise with any party
deemed contradictory and contrary to the opinions and thoughts, so comes
some sectarian group (splinter) of the flow of these Khawarij sect each
tend to choose their own priests and considered as the only community the true Muslims.Islamic teachings contained in the Qur'an and Hadith, and must be construed according lafadz fully defined. Their
faith and understand the faith and understanding of simple people into
thinking again narrow fanatics that make sense and they can not tolerate
deviation from the teachings of Islam even if only in the form of small
is what causes the Khawarij easily divided into small sects and in
constant opposition to the rulers of Islam and Muslims that exist in his
the number of Khawarij sect, scholars disagree, Abu Musa al-Asy'ary
said more than 20 sects, Al-Baghdady found there are 20 sects,
Al-Syahristani said 18 sects, Mustafa al-Syak'ah found there are 8 major
sects, namely al-Muhakkimah, al-Azariqah, al-Najdat, al-Baihasiyah, al-Ajaridah, al-Saalibah, al-Ibadiah and al-Sufriyah. Muhammad Abu Zahrah 4 describes the al-Najdat sect, al-Sufriyah, al-Ajaridah and al-Ibadiah. Harun Nasution While there are 6 important sects are:1. Al-MuhakkimahAl-Khawarij
group Muhakkimah regarded as the original (precursor flow Khawarij)
because it consists of the followers of Ali ibn Abi Talib, who rebelled
and out of the line of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Major al-Muhakkimah comes from the motto of their doctrine li la illa allah hukma referring to the QS 6: 57: In al-li hukmu illa allah (it was only right to establish God's law). They reject the arbitration because it is contrary to God's command in Sura 49: 9 that sent rebels fighting (bughat) until they return to the path of Allah.This cult leader named Abdullah bin Wahab al-Risbi were crowned after coming out of the line of Ali ibn Abi Talib. In
understanding this sect Ali, Muawiyah and all the people involved and
agree to arbitration has been accused of being infidels for having
deviated from the teachings of Islam by QS5: 44.The sect is also found that people who commit major sins such as killing without right and adultery are infidels.1. Al-AzariqahSect al-Azariqah born around the year 60 AH (End of the 7th century AD) on the border between Iraq and Iran. Major al-Azariqah attributed to the sect leader named Nafi ibn al-Azraq al-Hanafi Hanzali, son of former Greek slave. As Caliph Nafi was given the title amir al-believers. According to al-Baghdadi sect supporters numbering more than 20 thousand people. Understanding of thinking is more extreme sects (radical), including:1. Muslims who are not willing to take sides or to work with them apostates.2. People who reject the teachings of al-Azariqah is polytheistic.3. Followers of al-Azariqah are not berhijarah (exodus) to the territory they considered idolatrous as well.4. All Muslims are polytheists may be captured or killed, including their wives and children.5. The practice isti'rad means to assess and investigate the beliefs of their opponents. People
who do not qualify for this study was sentenced to death, including
women and children, because the children of the polytheists will be
cursed with his parents.Based
on the principles and ideas, the followers of al-Azariqah much the
killing of fellow Muslims who are outside of their territory. They consider their area as dar al-islam, outside the area considered dar al-kufr (the area controlled / governed infidels).In the year 684 AD Azariqah
sect al-Khawarij is letting other people in Basrah undergoing a tense
battle in southern Iraq and Iran, finally all met their deaths as
martyrs according to their expectations.1. Al-NajdatNaming is attributed to the sect leader named Najdah bin Amir al-Hanafi, local authorities Yamamah and Bahrain. The birth of this sect as a reaction to the opinion Nafi (the leader of al-Azariqah) were considered too extreme. The opinion rejected Nafi is about:1. Polytheism followers of al-Azariqah who do not want to move to the area of al-Azariqah.2. Permissibility of killing children or wives who are considered idolatrous.Followers of al-Nafi Najdat look and people who recognize him as the Caliph had become kafir. Understand the theology of al-Najdat the most important are:1. Muslims who disagree with the flow are considered infidels and will go to eternal hell in it.2. Followers of al-Najdat not be eternal hell even commit a great sin.3. Small Sins can increase its position to a major sin if done continuously.4. The existence taqiyah understand that Muslims can hide the identity of faith for the sake of her safety. In this case allowed to say the words or act contrary to his beliefs.In a further development of this sect had split. This
sect of important figures such as Abu Fudaik and Rashid al-Tawil formed
opposition groups against al-Najdat that ended with the killing of
al-najdat in the year 69 AH (688 AD).
1. Al-AjaridahThis cult leader is Abdul Karim bin Ajarrad. Thought this sect more moderate than the thought of al-Azariqah. The sect is found:1. There is no obligation to move to the al-Ajaridah region.2. It should not be at war except confiscate property slain.3. Small children can not be categorized idolaters.4. Letter
Joseph was not part of the Qur'an, because the Qur'an as the holy book
is not worth a story of romance as contained in the letter yusuf.5. Al-SufriyahSect brings understanding similar to understand al-Azariqah but rather soft. Major al-Sufriyah derived from the name of their leader by the name of Zaid bin Asfar. The opinion of the sect al-Sufriyah the most important are:1. Non
Khawarij Muslims are polytheists, but may stay with them in the peace
agreement (cease-fire) as long as it does not interfere and attack.2. Infidel or kafir contains double meaning kufr al-favors (favors denying God) and kufr bi Allah (Allah deny). Kufr al-favors by no means out of Islam.3. Taqiyah justified only in the form of words, it is not justified in the form of actions (deeds).4. Muslim woman to marry a pagan man if her security is threatened.5. Al-IbadiyahThe sect is born by Abdullah ibn Ibad al-Murri al-Tamimi year 686 AD The doctrine of this sect are most important are:1. Muslims who commit major sins can not be said to be believers, but muwahhid.2. Dar
al-kufr is the headquarters of the government that must be fought,
while the outside is called dar al-Tawheed and should not be fought.3. That may be a treasure booty is horses and war equipment.4. Muslims non Khawarij are those who are not religious but not of the idolaters 8.Sect al-Ibadiyah as the most moderate faction in the flow and the Khawarij are Khawarij sect that survived until modern times. They
produce a number of mutakallimin (theologians) of the earliest in Islam
and are willing to live in peace with other Muslims who do not mistreat
them. The majority of Muslims and the ruling families in the Sultanate of Oman is Ibadiyah. The
sect is also found in Mzab and Wargla (Algeria), Jerba island off the
east coast of Tunisia, Nafusa and Zuwaghah (Libya), Zanzibar and several
villages in East Africa. Now the number is not more than a million people.The
Khawaarij extreme and radical, even though they as a group have been
lost in the history, teachings they still have an influence, although
not much in Islamic societies today.
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